Startup Readiness Program

Register for our UNESCO Entrepreneurship Education Network – Pakistan Chapter, Startup Readiness Program, and be among the top to get selected for our workshop series.

Following are the dates and timings of the workshops:

  1. 14th September – Saturday on Mindset Shift: Innovating with Purpose & Sparking
    Entrepreneurial Thinking by Ms. Naureen Ghaffar and Mr. Raza Abbas
  2. 21st September – Saturday on Idea to Impact: Building a Winning Business Model that
    Thrives by Mr. Azhar Rizvi
  3. 28th September -Saturday on Mastering Fundraising: Strategies for Startup Founders & Intellectual Property and Startups: Succeeding in an Intangible World by Syed Azfar Hussain and Dr. Owais Shaikh
  4. 5th October – Saturday on Pitch with Power: Communicating Your Vision by Mr. Salman Tufail

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age: 18-32
  • Business Idea: Tech-based ideas in any discipline
  • 2 members per idea
  • First Come, First Served Basis
  • 5th Semester onwards for University students/ Alumni

Program Fee: (Upon Selection)

  • Rs. 7,500 to be paid by non-IoBM participants
  • Rs. 5,000 to be paid by IoBM students

Complete all four workshops to earn a certificate.
Please ensure one member of a startup team is filling out the form.
Successful applicants will be notified via email


Azhar Rizvi

EO & Founding Director at
Cambridge Advisors Network

Dr. Owais Sheikh

World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO
National IP Expert

Naureen Ghaffar

Managing Director,
Agile Global Consultancy

Raza Abbas

Head of SSK Incubation Center, UNESCO Entrepreneurship Education Network- Pakistan Representative

Salman Tufail

Executive Board Member,
Tufail Group

Syed Azfar Hussain

Project Director, National Incubation Center, Hyderabad 

Coming Soon for Cohort 4

Get in Touch!